
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11517 From: lmp582002 Date: 5/12/2015
Subject: KStep and Resolvers

On the Dynomotion web page there is a video where it looks like a resolver is connected directly to the Kflop board. Is this possible?

I am considering using 2 KStep boards to run a total of 6 axises on a CNC machine. What would be the most effective way to connect 4 resolvers and 2 encoders onto the including 2 KStep boards?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11521 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/13/2015
Subject: Re: KStep and Resolvers
Hi Scott,

That was our original (now obsolete) KMotion Control board that had +/- 10V ADC inputs on-board.  KFLOP does not have any ADCs on board.

You could possibly use the ADC inputs on Kanalog but it is difficult to set up and you would need to find a way to excite the resolvers that you have.  I've since found resolvers tend to have non-linearities (harmonics) in the output especially if not excited at the right frequency and amplitude.   So the process is complicated and requires a lot of experimentation and tuning and the final result will probably not be as good as an encoder.

Also is it awkward to connect Kanalog and two KSteps to KFLOP.

Can you use encoders instead?
